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Software Graph Visualization

This project was done in cooperation with professor Alexandru Telea as a research internship at the University of Groningen. The goal of this research project was to pioneer a new method for visualizing complex software hierarchies and the interlinking dependencies within them. The initial approach was to visualize the compositional hierarchy of a codebase as treemaps on the borders of the screen, while the dependencies of parts of the codebase could be viewed in the center of the screen. Dependencies within a single component were visualized as a standard UML diagram, while outward dependencies were displayed as bundled lines moving towards the treemaps. Having treemaps on the borders of the screen caused us to affectionately refer to this layout as a “Monopoly board”.

The research paper can be downloaded here:
Visualization of Software Hierarchy and Dependencies

portfolio/monopoly.txt · Last modified: 2015/10/21 16:30 (external edit)