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Flyby Demo

This project was built in 2005 in about four weeks' time by Paul Effing and myself as an assignment for the “Games in 3D” course at the Hanzehogeschool Groningen. The purpose of this assignment was to create “something” related to 3D games, preferably using C++ and OpenGL. Our goal was to create a rolling demo in the same vein as those produced by the demo scene (e.g. farbrausch, The Future Crew), or like Unreal's original castle flyby opening.

In the end, we settled on using technology from the id Tech 3 engine, because of my previous experience with it. We implemented our own “engine” using C++, SDL, OpenGL, OpenAL and Ogg Vorbis. Smooth camera movement was made possible by implementing Catmull-Rom splines to interpolate between preset waypoints.

Though the quality of the code is nothing to write home about now, this project is a good example of what can be achieved in a short period of time, given a clear vision and enough determination.

The source code (Windows and Linux) of this project is published on Bitbucket:

A recording of the rolling demo is available on Youtube:

Due to copyright issues concerning the assets used by this project (mostly taken directly from Quake III), it is not possible for me to publish a complete and working binary package.

Animated MD3 modelsMotion blurParticle effects and a skyboxParticle effects

portfolio/flyby.txt · Last modified: 2015/10/21 16:30 (external edit)