
This is a mobile game for Android phones and tablets, which combines Rummy-style gameplay with asynchronous multiplayer as recently made popular by games such as Wordfeud. I am currently working on this project in my spare time and am solely responsible for all the programming and artwork in the game.

The server side consists of a Python service running on an Ubuntu server with a MongoDB backend. MongoEngine is used a a middleware layer between Python and MongoDB. The service layer interface is defined and compiled using Apache Thrift, ensuring compatibility and easy portability for any number of client applications.

The Android client app is written using the stock Java-based Android SDK provided by Google, and targets all devices from the oldest T-Mobile G1 with Android 1.6 up to the latest phones and tablets running Android 4. To achieve a consistent yet modern-looking user interface on all supported devices, the app makes use of the ActionBarSherlock library, which adds support for the new action bar and Holo theme to older Android platforms.

The first Beta version was released on the Android Market on March 1st 2012: