====== DocBook DokuWiki ====== DocBook DokuWiki is a project done by Jaap Bresser and myself as part of our Bachelor's degree in ICT at the Hanzehogeschool Groningen. We were stationed at the [[http://www.sron.nl|Netherlands Institute for Space Research]] (SRON), who were having trouble communicating about and collaborating on their internal system documentation, which was mainly written in the form of [[http://www.docbook.org/|DocBook XML]] documents. We solved this problem by integrating DocBook XML support inside an exiting wiki system, [[http://www.dokuwiki.org|DokuWiki]], allowing the system documentation to be stored and managed on a central server, while documents can be edited collaboratively as wiki articles through a web interface. The main challenge of this project was to marry the strictly hierarchical structure of DocBook documents with the loose structure of a wiki system. This was accomplished by splitting up DocBook XML documents into their separate sections, allowing them to be edited concurrently as loose articles, while maintaining the rigid document structure at the top level. The document structure could be edited separately through a custom-built structure editor, developed using [[http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/|Google Web Toolkit]]. In 2008 we were requested to return to SRON on a freelance basis, to further polish and enhance the wiki system and make it suitable for production work. When we returned to this project in 2008, we also published it as open source (Linux only) on Sourceforge:\\ http://sourceforge.net/projects/docbookdokuwiki/